Dad's Do-Over Quiz | Dr. Michael Burgdorf
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Dad’s Do-Over Quiz

It may be time to freshen up your appearance with a Dad Do-Over. Take my quiz to find out!


The Dad Do-Over: plastic surgery meant to help you look and feel as good as you should, individualized to each patient’s particular problem areas. If you hold the outdated opinion that plastic surgery is just for women, but your “man boobs” didn’t get the memo, this quiz is the reality check you need!

Men today wear many hats, whether you’re a father whose family depends on him, a busy executive, a community leader, a sportsman, an athlete or all of the above (and more!). We often hear about the physical impact pregnancy and childbirth has on women, but seldom acknowledge the repercussions raising kids can often have on men. High-stress situations, late-night feedings and diaper changes, packed schedules and poor diet all take a major toll on your body. By the time you hit middle age, the combination can turn your rugged good looks into more rugged than good.

Perhaps you’ve looked in the mirror recently and thought, “Who is that old guy?” Maybe you’re tired of getting passed up for promotions at work in favor of younger blood. Or, you could even be afraid your wife wants to upgrade you after the confidence boost of her own Mommy Makeover. Whether you need Botox® to treat skin damage from one too many games of golf, or perhaps a subtle facelift for those bags under your eyes from countless sleepless nights with a new baby, a Dad Do-Over might be right for you.

The following assessment determines if you’re an appropriate candidate for a Dad Do-Over now or possibly in the future, taking into consideration the many physical, mental and emotional factors that go into the decision for surgical rejuvenation. It only takes a few minutes to complete; and along with your result, you’ll receive tips on how best to prepare for a Dad Do-Over. Let’s get started!

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